Week 3.5 - Menus and Motions

Just a quick update, as this has been such a productive week!

On top of the inventory etc., I've put together the pause and start menus, and the credits page. There's something deeply satisfying about adding these 'bookends' - starts to make it feel like a real game!

Down the line, I'd like to give the game a 'Save' and 'Load' option, but that's not something I've ever done before and I've not really got a concept of how much work it would be. It's definitely a 'nice to have' element to add towards the end, if I've got time.

This week I've also made simple 'walk' and 'idle' animations for the player character in Blender. They are very basic as rigging and animating are not my forte! 

Bringing them into engine was an opportunity to brush up on my knowledge of animator controllers in Unity. 

I know that it's theoretically possible to precisely time the footstep sounds to the footstep motion in some fancy way, but I've just manually set the animation speed so that it sort of fits with my footsteps sound and it works well enough for my purposes.

I've also set up the 'Misers' quest, so that's 1/2 of my quests finished. It all goes a lot quicker now that I've got the code written for one quest!


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